The Best View of You
Beauty, I love you.
I love you, I love each gifted gaze.
Time & life, pouring out your eyes.
Drink deep & become, they say.
But only at life’s speed.
I get the best view of you.
B E A utiful you.
How . . . becoming.
A moment,
a night,
a life,
all a precious bit of sharing.
I take it lightly, how could it be heavy?
I’m buoyant on the sea of it.
Dancing wild across it, this gaze, these eyes.
The threshold of worlds deep & complex as any God in God.
We can’t keep our sirens silent, shipwrecks decorate our shores.
Coasts of grace & grief.
Of a continued devotion to draw breath.
O, Beauty, I am quite grateful for you.
Just you, all your Gods & mortals.
I've put away my namaste.
I greet you all.
Because those eyes have poems for me,
that are never finished.
My words dissolve like sugar cubes . . .
in those blue jades.
Never not enough, those windows too . . .
I love you.